Pete the Meat is a real person. He is a somewhat eccentric ex-cruiser from

New Zealand who saw a need for importing quality meats. He also sells potatoes and cheese. He and his native Tongan wife, Happy, knew Maggie Drum from the 90's when it visited Tonga with the previous owners. Pete and Happy owned a resort on one of the smaller islands then but it was a difficult business so they moved to Vava'U. Happy owns the land where the infamous Full Moon Parties were held.

The main, and only, gas station in "downtown" Neiafu. They don't do windows.

The veggie market in Neiafu. The baskets in the foreground have taro root and other staples, including Kava kava roots for making the narcotic drink. Supposed to taste like muddy dishwater but we have not tried it yet. You have to drink it for hours to have any effect and then it is not much. More hype than reality, but it is very popular with the locals where it is an excuse to sit around and laugh. The Tongans are big laughfers.

Other view of the market. Inside they sell more veggies and crafts made on the islands.

View of the main drag. This is the outside of the largest grocery store in town on a Saturday morning. Everyone comes to town on Saturdays.

The large Catholic church on top of the hill. It is the largest landmark from the harbor. You can clearly hear the singing from there on the boat on Sundays, Wednesday nights and other nights. Unfortunately, you can also hear the bells at 4am on Sunday mornings (and at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc). The bells aren't as bad as the roosters though, who don't seem to know that dawn is only one time each day. They crow all night long and all day long and are VERY loud and obnoxious.

View of remote beach on north side of Vava'U. I took a buggy ride there a couple of times through the old coconut palm plantations and farms.
Labels: Vava'U photos