Across the Equator
We are now officially minions of the great King Neptune having crossed the equator and duly offered our best libations to him. We asked for his protection in the Seven Seas, for Maggie Drum and for us. We crossed at longitude 129 degrees 32 minutes West under a sunny sky with the spinnaker still up from yesterday. Seas are calm with gentle rollers. We are about 800nm out from the Marquesas and our first landfall.
To celebrate our crossing we opened the bottle of hand-crafted Raspberry/Current wine that Bruce - El Gitano - gave us for the occasion at our going away bash at Fisherman Bay at Lopez Island in Washington's San Juan Islands. Thanks Bruce - good vino! That was 6900nm ago. Wow! Seems incredible and we feel very fortunate to have our health and enough resources and friends to get us this far. Of course, we will be absolutely broke in the very near future. Oh well.
I forgot to mention a key friend that helped us get this far, and that was Bill Lemley. I met Bill at a Starbucks coffee shop in Denver about 9 years ago and he told me about his sailing adventures in the Pacific Northwest and to Mexico and back and I was hooked. Bill helped us move to Anacortes and to move Maggie Drum from her previous owner's marina.
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