Thursday, June 14, 2007

Flopping around on the deep blue sea

Today is a flop day. We have been motoring along for the last 36 hours because of no wind but that will put us in to Fiji on the Queen's Birthday holiday which is an expensive hassle to deal with for check in. They charge overtime and it takes longer to do on a holiday so we wanted to slow down. Unfortunately that means the boat just flops around in the gentle (smile!) seas without enough wind to keep you steady. We have about 3-4kt of wind which allows us to go 1-2kt. A VERY slow boat to Fiji.

So we are reading and doing some minor repairs (always, always repairs to do). We are also checking in on radio nets and doing email, etc. The best thing is we are in shorts and tees all day long now as it is definitely warmer this farther north. The stars and Venus has been knock your socks off bright. You can almost read a book by Venus just after the sun sets in the west.

Since it was calm last night we had a big meal - steak, beans, and tomatoes, and I even had a beer. We have not seen one other boat nor even a fish since getting away from NZ. Right now we are at latitude 25S and longitude 177E. I have updated Yotreps under KE7BQN or Maggie Drum with our position.

Good news is the weather files say we should have fresh wind later today or by tomorrow. So in the mean time we will flop along.

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