Sunday, November 12, 2006

Quick Update on the way to NZ

We are almost exactly 300nm away from the entrance to the river to Whangarei. We are motorsailing with the wind almost dead on our nose so are bearing off a little to get a boost from the sails. This is not entirely successful as we can't bear off too much to the east with forecasted westerlies coming. And they had better come. Wind from this direction (SSW) was not anticipated. Seas are calm though. Cindy is sleeping after standing watch almost the whole night. We have degenerated to each of us alternately standing almost full night watches. The sun goes down late though and comes up early so it isn't as bad as it sounds. We read or play games on our Palm Pilots, or I do crossword puzzles. We both are looking forward to getting there and going out for a pizza. The big burning question is whether you can get good pizza in Whangarei or not.

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